Chapter 18
Editor – Mykal - Content – Technical
Research & Editor – Mike - Content
Psycho Studios is an independent Film/TV production company. A multimedia platform with a podcast as well as this newsletter. Feel free to reach out to Psycho Studios through their website or by email.
Psycho Studios – Film-TV Production – Phoenix Arizona
Psycho Studios Podcast (Access on Spotify, Apple, iHeart Radio, Amazon Music, Castbox and YouTube. And our website)
Psycho Studios: The Sprinkler (Our Newsletter)
Phoenix Arizona
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Mike and Mykal are a father & son duo that started a production company about two years ago. They are working on the next phase of their production company and look forward to being involved in feature film making. They rolled out a podcast and newsletter to give their audience a means to hear where they are headed and what they are experiencing. The newsletter (The Sprinkler) is fun, informative and value add! They remind their audience that they leave politics at the door. They want their energy to be positive and wellness based. Share gratitude and be cool to one another!
We hope you will join us monthly as we explore different ways to enrich our lives and have some fun exploring the human race.
We bring old school and contemporary ideas to the table.
Mykal & I operate with the credo; be cool to one another. We want to connect with people, and be present while we enjoy this journey. We have embarked on something that is moving in a direction that affords us to display our creativity and love for film & music in our Psycho Studio’s Podcast on YouTube – now with video!
Come with us as we explore ways to live in the moment and appreciate all we have, rather than what we have not.
Welcome psychos one and all!
The Sprinkler
The newsletter continues to evolve. Our topics will be reviewed throughout the year and adjusted accordingly. We will continue to leave politics at the door. Look for our new image feature Rock N Roll image of the month in this chapter!
Film – Music - Some Wellness – Commentary – Some Sports and Random Headlines
Let’s start with a film quote we love:
The More successful the villain, the more successful the picture.
Alfred Hitchcock
January was an odd month as we continued to marvel at the amazing film, Nosferatu! There is something bittersweet about seeing a film that checks all the boxes and comes in at a nine or higher! WE love great films; it spoils us as we wade through the mediocre to terrible films. That is the beauty of movies!
Here are some of the films I either watched for the first time or I hunkered down for a rewatch!
(All ratings are based on the Psycho Studio’s Scale of 1-Psycho)
New to my eyes:
A Different Man 2024. Weird & twisted this is an interesting watch and not what one might expect. 5
Lamb 2021 – Icelandic film with subtitles. This film is not only foreign but it is weird and twisted as well. 5
Bloody Axe Wound 2024. Oddly paced retro horror worth a watch. 5
The Burning 1981. I thought I had watched this 80’s horror nugget, but had not. This is a Harvey Weinstein film, an early one and it is tarnished by the horrible acts that the Hollywood mogul committed. 4
Dressed to Kill 1980 –Body Double 1984. This Brian De Palma duo is two of my favorite 1980’s films! Both coming in at a 7 Very Hitchcock like, absolute must watch for both!
House of Darkness 2022. A must watch for Justin Long fans, clocking in at an 8, it’s an enjoyable slow burn
Sleeping with the Joneses 2012. I forgot I had watched this back in the day, I should have left it there! 2
Confess Fletch 2022. This is a really cool and better version of Chevy Chase’s take of the Irwin Fletcher character. Jon Hamm crushes the roll and it is a fun and vacuous watch! 6
Waiting 2005. This film does not hold up anymore given the changes in the landscape, Mykal is so right that R rated comedies are weak at best in our current times. 5
Terrifier 3 2024. This bloody disgusting third installment in the Art the Clown universe is beyond gory and best consumed by die hard graphic horror fans! 7
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 2011 And 2009. Mykal and I loved the 2011 version of this film and recently discovered that there is a foreign version from 2009. This reminded us of the film Speak No Evil which was released in 2024 and was based on the foreign film of the same name from 2022. We will be watching the 2009 version and sharing our review next month. I give David Fincher’s 2011 version a 9.5! This is a must watch for those that love a complicated story with excellent cast and screenplay! (And the music!)
Rosemary’s Baby 1968. This less than savory historical film was brought to the big screen by Roman Polanski. I challenge our psychos to research this writer and director if not familiar. The film is beautifully shot, great cast and trippy take on satanic cults. The film was released about one year prior to the horrific Tate and LaBianca murders, which literally changed America. I give it an 8
Apartment 7a. This so-called prequel to Rosemary’s Baby should have been left in the delivery room. Poor cast, script and pace make this film come in at a 3
Freddy vs Jason 2003 This film is part of the Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street universes. It has its moments, and the production values are very good. The story is unique and a cool way to bring these two slashing superstars together. This is a cool watch or rewatch for all horror fans. The film is one of the better sequels in both franchises. 6 In addition it has a kick ass soundtrack! Check out Mykal’s incredible article in this chapter with reference to this film!
In a Violent Nature 2024. This film is a pure and basic horror film. It clearly takes a common but different path from typical slasher films. The Canadian production is as its title implies; violent and bloody to borderline disgusting. The contrast between the beautifully sunny and landscaped shots coupled with the over-the-top violent kills is astonishing! 6
Dracula’s Daughter 1936. This film is revered within classic horror film circles. I consider myself to be a classic movie buff, but do not share that sentiment. This film hit the big screen five years after the iconic Dracula and should have been left on the cutting room floor. It lacks story, a good cast, smart dialogue, let alone any kind of horror. 2
The Invisible Man 1933 - The Invisible Man Returns 1940. We rap this up with one of our favorite Universal Classic Monster films. The original Invisible Man is truly a classic. For its time the special effects, cast and story were outstanding. I give this film a solid 7, and a must watch for classic horror film fans! The sequel is tragic and to me a terrible follow up. I give the sequel seven years removed a 3. Universal missed on many of their horror classics by waiting too long with many sequels as well as forgetting the formula that was so successful.
Check out some of these films and let us know what you think! Rate them!
And in TV
Severance elevated to its second season and we have two episodes in the can. It was three long years for fans of Apple TV’s Severance as it returned on January 17, 2024. This unusual TV show headed by an amazing cast including Adam Scott is a must watch for anyone that enjoys smart, well-acted and thought-provoking shows! A side note is how interesting it is to see Adam Scott knock his dramatic role out of the park. My recollection of Scott is the brother in Step Brothers and to see his progression to a serious actor is quite amazing! Scott doesn’t disappoint in this sophomore season and neither does the rest of the stellar cast! The show buzzes along in episode one as we see where the severed stars are after five months in their time has passed. The first episode moves this new look forward with the second season wrapping up where we left off and where we are headed. As Mykal stated, they have caught us up after episode two, which is brilliantly observed! Mykal and I watched both of the new episodes together and it is one of my life’s simple pleasures. I tend to want to talk and comment as the episodes unfold. I have to bite my tongue and save the comments for after the specific episode where we can share our takes. Scout’s honor I will do that moving forward. It was interesting that the animated opening sequence with the credits was absent in the first episode of season two. The signature opening from season one was mysteriously lacking. The second episode brings us a unique evolution of that opening credit sequence, and confirms Mykal’s take on the show’s creators bringing the audience up to speed.
This show is a 9+ for me on our Psycho Scale. We don’t watch much TV, as we are snobs when it comes to content on the so-called boob tube.
The other show on our radar is the last season of Better Call Saul. It’s hard to believe that two people like Mykal and I who loved Breaking Bad, and possibly loved Better Call Saul slightly more have not watched that final season. We are both eclectic and we both have been waiting for the perfect time to watch it. I sense the time is coming very soon, and we look forward to a very special watch. As Mykal would say, it’s Saul good, man!
We listened to so much amazing music in 2024! Mykal and I are crazy music buffs and fans and logged over 40,000 minutes each of listening in the year that was!
Mykal posed an interesting question to me at year’s end when he asked where would we be without music or movies?
I can’t imagine my world or my son’s world without music and film. They add color, content and meaning to a world that is filled with turmoil and uncertainty. The creativity and art that music and films add to each day are uplifting and bring continuity to our lives.
Music and movies are what afford us to forge ahead on our quest to be professional film writers and makers!
We kicked off the New Year with challenging circumstances, but music helps us move forward. Mykal and I often share a song or two each day via text and it is amazing how much music moves us! We love music, and the playlists we have listed below capture my past as well as Mykal’s. It has been a potpourri of music for the entire first month of the new year and the audio feast has served us well! What kind of music do you listen to? Please share!
Mykal has an incredible article in this chapter about Peter Steele and Type O Negative! The playlist is included as well and it rocks like no other!
We are looking forward to the new Led Zeppelin film which appears to be a rockumentary! It’s very cool Mykal appreciates and digs the old classics! We are also going to get tickets to NIN, a group that is very near and dear to our hearts! Mykal will tell you I have a head like a hole!
Enjoy these unique playlists!
I listened to some new tracks by older groups such as Shine Down and Motley Crue and sadly I am best off keeping my comments to myself. To each his and her own. Whatever gives you eargasms!
Check out these playlists on Spotify:
The first one is my 1980’s pop side of rock. I always stayed on the side of metal and hard rock as I made my way through the 80s. This playlist was a request from Mykal, and I fulfilled it with fervor. This playlist is comprised of 24 tracks coming in at just over 90 minutes. This contrast of how short those songs were clocking in at around 4 minutes per song and the next playlist where the songs average over 6.75 minutes each! Everybody wants to change the world!
Mike’s 80s Pop
The second playlist is an amazing tribute to the band Type O Negative. This is a monster playlist consisting of 31 tracks and over 3.5 hours run time! Mykal put this together as it is one of his favorite bands and that is saying something! I totally dig them as well! Try something new or revisit this incredibly deep and hard charging gothic rock group!
What’s Your Type?
Rock and Roll Image of the Month! (RRIM)
Jim Morrison in his heyday! Circa 1960s. Come on baby, light my fire!
Enjoy the music!
Our mantra of being cool to one another starts with us taking care of ourselves and showing kindness in our day to day.
Sleeping and sleeping well has been part of our conversation over the last month. Here is a great article by Johns Hopkins:
Seven Ways to Get a Healthier Night's Sleep
If you’re longing to wake up energized after a night of deep, refreshing sleep, you’re in good company. One in three adults gets by on six hours or less of nightly slumber, when most of us really need seven to nine hours.
Humans are essentially the only mammals that willingly deprive themselves of sleep, says Johns Hopkins sleep expert Rachel Salas, M.D.
And plenty more people wake up feeling tired, thanks to insomnia or more subtle sleep disturbances caused by problems like nighttime reflux and sleep apnea.
But our need for sleep is still there, Salas says. In fact, missing out on your fair share of high-quality sleep can boost your risk for depression, becoming overweight or obese, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and memory and concentration problems—and can even make you look older.
Yet research suggests that many of us are still taking wrong turns that keep us from getting the sleep we need and deserve. Here are proven solutions that can put you on the right path to better sleep.
Know when to watch the clock.
It’s normal to take 10 to 20 minutes to fall asleep after lights-out. If you’re dropping off within five minutes or find yourself falling asleep during the day, you’re likely not getting enough sleep. But if you’re still tossing and turning after 20 to 30 minutes, get up. Go read a book or listen to relaxing music until you feel sleepy, then return to your bed. It’s one way to train your mind to associate your bed with sleeping instead of struggling, research has shown.
Don’t underestimate caffeine.
It takes nearly six hours for half of the caffeine from your favorite coffee, tea or cola to exit the body. Caffeine too late in the day can cause lighter, more disturbed sleep—or keep you from sleeping at all, researchers have found. In a 2013 study, researchers learned that consuming 400 mg of caffeine (the amount in two to three cups of coffee or one 20-ounce coffee drink) six hours before bed cut total sleeping time by more than an hour.
Have Trouble Falling Asleep?
Skip the nightcap.
An estimated 10 percent of older adults use alcohol to overcome insomnia. It seems to help ... but is actually harmful. A recent review confirms that an alcoholic drink before bed can help you fall asleep faster. But it reduces the amount of time you spend in deeper sleep stages that affect memory, concentration and even physical coordination.
Trade sleep aids for sleep hygiene.
One in five older adults turn to drugstore sleep remedies, which often contain antihistamines that can cause dangerous daytime drowsiness (and can mask a fixable sleep problem). Instead, try upgrading your sleep habits. Salas suggests these steps for natural, high-quality sleep:
A bedtime ritual: Put on your pajamas. Relax. Avoid stressful activities, like working or having tense discussions.
A peaceful bedroom: “Some people have a desk in their bedroom with bills on it and constant reminders of all the things they need to do,” Salas says. Instead, keep this room free of distracting clutter.
No electronics at least 30 minutes before bed: Darkness in the evening helps our brains prepare for sleep. Staring at the light from your phone, computer or television throws off your brain’s internal clock.
Rule out health problems.
Conditions like gastroesophageal reflux disease and obstructive sleep apnea can rob you of quality sleep. If you have heartburn, talk with your doctor about reflux treatments that can ease nighttime reflux. You may have sleep apnea if you snore loudly and gasp or seem to choke at night as tissue in your throat blocks your airways, causing you to momentarily stop breathing. If you share a bedroom, ask, “Do I snore loudly or gasp for breath at night?” Treatments, including weight loss and wearing a pressurized mask for better breathing, can reverse apnea.
Still tossing and turning?
Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for insomnia retrains your body and mind for deep sleep. In one study, CBT was more effective than prescription sleeping pills at helping people with insomnia fall asleep faster and stay asleep with fewer interruptions. A year later, they were still sleeping well—without drugs. Ask your health care provider how to give it a try.
Consult with a sleep expert.
If you’re struggling with lack of sleep, talk to your health care provider. However, Salas’s research as a Johns Hopkins sleep expert has found that doctors often get little training on sleep problems during medical school. If you can’t resolve your problems with your health care provider’s help, consider visiting a sleep specialist. This expert can help figure out if such problems as restless legs syndrome or chronic pain are keeping you from sleeping well.
Sleep apnea: A disorder in which you’re breathing repeatedly stops or becomes very shallow as you sleep. Your breathing may pause anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. This ongoing condition disrupts your sleep, making you tired during the day and increasing your risk for heart problems, diabetes, obesity and driving or work-related accidents.
Restless legs syndrome: A disorder that creates a strong urge to move your legs often because you notice strange or unpleasant sensations: creeping, crawling, pulling, itching, tingling, burning, aching and even electric shocks. When you move your legs, it relieves the strange sensations. The unpleasant feelings are strongest when you are resting or inactive, and they can make it difficult to fall or stay asleep.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): A condition in which some of the contents from your stomach flow backward, up into your esophagus, causing heartburn. (Usually, food and beverages travel in one direction: down the esophagus and into the stomach.) Because some of the stomach’s digestive juices contain acid, this condition is also sometimes called acid reflux or acid indigestion.
Cognitive behavioral therapy; Two different psychotherapies—cognitive therapy and behavioral therapy— in one. Cognitive therapy can help you improve your mood by changing unhelpful thinking patterns. Behavioral therapy helps you identify and solve unhealthy habits. When used in conjunction with each another, these therapies have been shown to improve problems such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, insomnia and eating disorders.
The bottom line is we know getting a good night’s sleep is critical for our day-to-day functionality let alone performing at a high level in whatever our activities may be!
If you have any positive shares regarding healthy ways to sleep better, please send them to us!
Be cool to one another and just as important be cool to yourself!
Let’s be:
We embark on a New Year, with many questions in so many areas. I have adapted and adopted to extricating myself from the news cycle. I keep my ear to the ground but it is at a cursory level. I continue to focus on the present and the credo of living in the moment. I must get better at that element to find more peace in my day to day.
I’m very big on expressing gratitude and will continue to do so as we make our way through this year. I’m grateful for having such an amazing son. I’m grateful for all the people I have gotten to know through the years. I’m grateful for what I have and not focusing on the have nots.
I’m grateful for all our psychos, knowing this is our year!
I’m grateful for the incredible life experiences, both great and challenging.
I’m grateful for knowing I must continue to become a better father, man and person.
What are you grateful for?
I can hear Mykal’s voice telling me to keep this shorter. I will honor my son’s request.
The New Year
The New Year is underway and we move forward to a prosperous 2025. There are many hazards ahead which include the change in our government, the extreme weather and the violence we hear and read about. My comments about all of these topics would move us into politics which we leave at the door.
I can tell you that I have decided to refrain even further from scrolling through the news feeds as well as following anything negative on social media.
I’m focused on living in the moment and being present. I’m thankful for all I have and the health of friends, family and myself. The struggles are real, and we all have our own story. Reach out to those you care about, family friends and neighbors. Let’s be kind to one another as we move about in public as well as any of the social media platforms we visit. Let’s take a deep breath, know we can do this and move forward with positivity and gratitude. Please share what you do to stay motivated and positive! Challenges will present themselves; it’s about not quitting and leaning on those we have in our special social networks. Let’s not get caught up in all the negativity that presents itself daily and weekly and dig into a positive outlook and attitude on a consistent basis!
I have work to do, and I want to be a better father, man and person. I challenge everyone to find the good and remove the drama and the bad.
Cheers to all our psychos!
Cheers to Mykal and I!
Some Sports
Green Bay Packers
The Packers ended their season with a thud, or should I say dud? They lost to the Philadelphia Eagles 22-10 leaving a sour taste in all Packers fans mouths. It is one thing when a team is beaten by a better team, or a team that simply has a better game. The Packers continued to beat themselves with four turnovers to zero for the Eagles. Jordan Love, the Packer’s starting quarterback underperformed as he had through an injury riddled and growth season. The Packer’s special teams played inconsistent again with turnovers, missed assignments and poor on field choices as their stumbling blocks. The Packer’s defense responded well to a new defensive coach in Jeff Hafley and a new scheme moving from a 3-4 to a 4-3 alignment. The season ended with that bitter taste and as Packer’s fans try to wash the rancid flavor out, the long off season will give all parties time to reflect. We carry the G, and move forward.
From start of season:
We are sticking with our way to early predictions from the beginning of the season.
Previously: Our not too early prediction for the Green Bay Packer’s 2024 season;
Me – 12-5. Mykal – 13-4 Packers finish 11-6 after choking to the Bears in Green Bay!
Cheers to a continued great NFL season and into the playoffs! Carry the G!
The Packers finished 11-6 in the regular season and with a one and done playoff loss finished 11-7 overall. Was it an improvement from last season? By the number yes, by the visual test and feel, no!
Regardless of the outcome to a disappointing season, I cherish each NFL season. Mykal comes over and we share that crazy Packer – NFL space for three hours each game day! It is the little things, and I would not trade that time for anything!
Milwaukee Bucks
The Bucks have righted their NBA ship and finish the month of January as one of the top or let’s say hottest teams in the NBA. They finished the month with a three-game winning streak on the West Coast and with a record of 28-18 they are on their way to another great season! To think of how terrible they started the season, the mighty Deer are finding their groove and their rotation is really coming along. At 10 games above .500, and past the half way point of the season the Deer are finding their right combination of shooting, defense and veteran leadership.
Doc Rivers influence over the young players as well as his voice with the veterans is resonating with the entire team. Giannis continues his tare as the best player in the league along with Lillard finding his groove as a Buck. The two superstars are presenting as a formidable duo! Khris Middleton has returned to the lineup, and for the most part has been off the bench. Middleton’s minutes have been limited and he has had several rest games in which he has been just a spectator. The shooting from Prince, Trent Jr and AJ Green have elevated the Buck’s offense and their offensive efficiency along with defensive prowess are moving the team to fourth place in the Eastern Conference. There is plenty of growth opportunities and it will be interesting to see if the Bucks decide to make any moves before the trade deadline which approaches fast on February 6. The energy, leadership and stellar play from their superstars in conjunction with great bench performances are propelling the Bucks to a great season! Will Middleton be the missing super piece?
Fear the Deer! Yes!
Milwaukee Brewers
The Milwaukee Brewers start their Spring Training games on February 22, 2025. This will be at American Family Fields of Phoenix.
The Brewers begin their 2025 regular season home opener on March 31st at American Family Field in Milwaukee.
The Brewers have made some moves, lost some key contributors and picked up some interesting additions. We will review those in our next month’s newsletter.
More baseball when we are closer to Spring Training!
Random Headlines & Stuff
Let’s get to some weird and interesting stuff!
- We start with an interesting article from that speaks to seven qualities of a truly good woman. Empathy. Resilience. Independence. Honesty. Forgiveness. Positivity. Kindness. Check out the details on their page. It almost seems captain obvious when reviewing that list. I feel these qualities would reflect a truly good man too!
- There is another interesting article about five reasons to apply the 24-hour rule in love. This one is found on Here are the five; It prevents you from reacting impulsively. It helps gain perspective. It strengthens emotional regulation. It builds trust and respect. It breaks the cycle of blame. I adapted the 24-hour rule when leading teams for different companies. It does work in our non-work personal lives as well. Humans are overly complex and fragile, and pausing from our heightened feelings and letting ourselves process the challenging moments is a very positive path.
- 40 years ago, Steve Jobs said there’s one simple habit that separates high performers from those that fall short. He stated; The Greatest people are self-managing; they don’t need to be managed. This resonated with me as it is something we can apply to our work lives as well as our personal lives. Self-care. Self-heal. Self-taught. Self-police. It starts with us, and bleeds out to those around us.
- In the less deep information, McDonald’s closes three CosMc’s locations one year after opening. This is less of a shock as Mickey D’s is also opening more of their special locations which focus on a beverage bar and limited food menu. They are finding that the locations that took over an existing closed full-size McDonald’s are less favorable than the units that are built fresh with a much smaller footprint. Look out Dutch Brothers and Black Rock?
- From CNBC, to be successful in 2025, a therapist says these five things about our thoughts and manifesting; it works any time of year. Let’s remember manifesting is more than wishful thinking. This is a deliberate process that involves aligning values, intentions, and actions to move toward the life we want. Try this; 1- Set intentions that align with your values. 2 – Focus on subtracting as much as adding. 3 – Create a vision that inspires. 4 – Celebrate progress, not perfection. 5 – Lead with love, not judgment. I love these! I will be pressing to manifest and navigate with this map!
- The last four escaped monkeys have been captured in South Carolina. These stoopid monkeys had escaped a medical research facility weeks ago and weren’t as dumb as we might think. They survived a rare snowstorm in those parts and were coaxed by peanut butter and jelly sandwiches back to the lab. Stoopid monkeys!
- A man in Bend, Oregon has come forward and stated he was the individual who applied googly eyes to public art in Oregon. He was just trying to bring some laughter to the folks in his area. There may be charges pressed based on this action. What a dumbass!
- Rare corpse flower greets the public with putrid bloom in New York. The seven-year-old plant that began as a seedling when received blooms rarely and stinks of rotting flesh and garbage. I know many people are fascinated by these plants. If I want to smell rotting flesh I’ll volunteer at a morgue!
- Nearly 16.5-foot cayenne pepper plant might be world's tallest. An environmental group in Mississippi might have broken a Guinness World Record with a cayenne pepper plant that grew to be nearly 16.5 feet tall. The aim was to create tall pepper plants for vertical gardening. This would lend itself to an interesting Jack and the Beanstalk take! Be mindful of IBS!
- Haircuts were interrupted when a cow forced its way into barbershop! A barbershop in China had its services interrupted by a large bovine barging into the establishment. There is good news and bad news with the ending to the story; the patrons had to wait to get their haircuts, but they enjoyed the broccoli beef afterwards!
- Drug-addicted rats' destroying evidence in Houston police lockers, were not part of a Walter White type operation. The rats were simply getting high on someone else’s supply!
- And lastly, Belgian food safety authority: Do not eat Christmas trees! There were recipes shared about people eating the needles after preparing them a certain way. The Belgian government warned of the careless sharing of eating Xmas tree needles! Most Xmas trees contain strong pesticides and some are sprayed with flame retardment! There goes the Xmas needle Belgian Waffle I’ve been craving!
Interesting individual of the month [IIM]
Peter Steele
This month’s interesting individual is Peter Steele! Founding member and lead singer of the unique hard rock band Type O Negative.
By Mykal Knight
Peter Steele, the towering frontman of gothic metal pioneers Type O Negative, was more than just a musician he was a poet, a philosopher, and a voice for those lost in the shadows. Born Peter Thomas Ratajczyk in Brooklyn, New York, on January 4, 1962, he grew into a force that redefined what it meant to express darkness, vulnerability, and humor through music. With his unmistakable deep voice, melancholic lyrics, and towering six-foot eight-inch presence, Peter brought a unique blend of raw emotion and dark wit to the forefront of the 1990s metal and goth scenes. Albums like Bloody Kisses and October Rust are not just records but experiences that are dark, romantic, and tinged with irony. His words and music have remained a refuge for countless fans, offering solace and strength through both the light and the dark times of life. One of Peter's most poignant quotes, Base not your joy on the deeds of others. for what has been given can be taken away, encapsulates his worldview as a mix of existential wisdom and hard-earned truths. These words resonate deeply, reflecting the core of his music and the connection he forged with listeners who, like you, find solace in his art during both good times and bad. To this day, Peter’s voice remains a companion for those navigating life’s highs and lows. For those who discovered him young and still carry his words with them, his legacy is not just in the music but in the comfort and understanding he offered through it. Thank you, Peter Steele, for your music, your words, and your enduring spirit. You’ll always be remembered.
Knight’s Deep Dive:
Type O Negative's (We Were) Electrocute is a hauntingly beautiful track that exemplifies the band’s unique ability to mix melancholy with moments of unexpected brightness. Featured on the soundtrack for the 2003 horror crossover Freddy vs. Jason, its inclusion feels perfectly aligned with the eerie, emotional undertones of the film. The standout lyric, How on you I've wasted my youth, encapsulates the song’s poignant theme: the anguish of loving someone who eventually leaves without warning. This line alone speaks volumes, painting a vivid picture of regret, heartbreak, and the passage of time. Yet, despite its somber subject, the song carries a strangely uplifting energy, almost ironic in its tone. This duality of a bittersweet mix of happiness and sorrow is what makes (We Were) Electrocute resonate so deeply. Musically, the track combines gothic rock elements with an almost nostalgic melody, creating a contrast that mirrors the lyrical themes. The juxtaposition of upbeat instrumentation with the raw pain of loss adds a layer of complexity, making it feel relatable and profoundly human. It’s as if Type O Negative is acknowledging the paradox of life: the beauty in love and the inevitable sting of its absence. What makes this song especially compelling is how universal its message is. We've all had experiences of investing our hearts into someone, only to find ourselves blindsided by their departure. (We Were) Electrocute captures that feeling perfectly, not just in its words but in its overall mood as a testament to Type O Negative’s artistry. The fact that this track appeared in Freddy vs. Jason adds an extra layer of coolness, as it bridges the worlds of horror and emotional introspection. It's a song that lingers in your mind long after listening, much like the best scenes from the horror films we love. (We Were) Electrocute is not just a song about heartbreak; it’s a reminder of how deeply we can feel, how we carry the ghosts of our past loves, and how those memories shape us. It’s a bittersweet anthem for anyone who has loved, lost, and still found a way to move forward.
If you didn’t check it out already, here is our free printable and electronic 2025 calendar. This unique 12-month display includes original photography from Mykal! It also contains unique dates to remember based on film and the like! It is best viewed – printed on a laptop or desktop computer.
Mykal and I are wishing all our psychos a great February!
Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thank you for taking the time to read Chapter Eighteen of Psycho Studios; The Sprinkler. We always look forward to sharing our thoughts, ideas and more!
Be safe and stay psycho!
We would love to hear from our audience. Comments, feedback & suggestions are welcome!
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Find our podcasts, newsletters and more on our website! We make announcements on Instagram and BlueSky!
The Sprinkler is dropped on the first of each month. Podcasts are dropped as content is available.
Mike & Mykal
Psycho Studios ~ 2.1.2025