Chapter 8


Psycho Studios: The Sprinkler

Chapter Eight


Editor – Mr. Z / Content / Technical

Research & Editor – Mr. W / Content

Psycho Studios is an independent Film/TV production company. A multimedia platform with a

podcast as well as this newsletter. Feel free to reach out to Psycho Studios through their


Psycho Studios – Film/TV Production – Phoenix Arizona

Psycho Studios Podcast [Access on Spotify, iHeart Radio, Google Podcasts and Amazon

Music/Audible plus our website]

Psycho Studios: The Sprinkler [Newsletter]

Phoenix Arizona

Email –

Website – www.psycho– [Access to our audio only YouTube channel available here.]

Instagram – psychostudios66

X [Formerly known as Twitter] - @Psychostud666

Facebook – psychostudios [page name]


Mr. Z & Mr. W are a father & son duo that started a production company about two years ago.

They are working on the next phase of their production company and look forward to being

involved in feature film making. They rolled out a podcast and newsletter to give their audience a

means to hear where they are headed and what they are experiencing. The newsletter [The

Sprinkler] is fun, informative and value add! They remind their audience that they leave politics

at the door. They want their energy to be positive and wellness based. The country and this world

are in turmoil, they want everyone to focus on the moment. Share gratitude and be cool to one


We hope you will join us monthly as we explore different ways to enrich our lives and have some

fun exploring the human race.

We bring old school and contemporary to the table. We will bring practical value add life skills to

our newsletter to make it worth everyone’s while!

Mr. Z I are authentic & lucid and we operate with the credo “be cool to one another”.

We want to connect with people, and be present while we enjoy this journey. We have embarked

on something that is moving in a direction that affords us to display our creativity and love for

film music in our podcast.

We have a contrasting way in which we were brought into this world and our perspectives meld

in a way that is entertaining, rewarding and beneficial to those that trust sage advice.

Come with us as we explore ways to live in the moment and appreciate all we have, rather than

what we have not.

Welcome psychos one and all!

The Sprinkler

Film – Music - Wellness – Practical Life Skills – Commentary – Plus Some Sports and other



There is much to discuss here, but I’m doing my best to edit myself as our newsletters have been

on the long side. Thanks to Mr. Z for keeping me in check.

Mr. Z and I continue to move forward with our production company. We have multiple

copyrighted ideas we are pitching to studios, streaming services and distribution companies. Next

month’s newsletter will go into more detail about our adventures.

Shout out to Chuck Harding and his premiere of Heartbreak and Lullabies! Chuck happens to

live in the same neck of the woods as Mr. Z and I and is a 30 plus year veteran in the production

of movies and TV. Chuck has done it all including editing, directing and producing. The

premiere was held at a local Harkins and the invitation only event had a great turn out. The

energy was excellent from the audience and Chuck held a question-and-answer session after the

showing. The short film was fun, creative and it was very cool to see our local backdrop in many

of the scenes. Chuck is working on the second part of this imaginative take on the crime scene

clean up industry with a nesting of vampires included. Thanks again Chuck, and break a leg!

I have been watching a plethora of moves in the past month, mostly ones I have seen before.

Here are some from 2024:

The Beekeeper – Entertaining, lots of action and a good mental escape [7]

Night Swim – This one left me feeling a little wet [5]

Road House [Remake on Amazon] – Having recently rewatched the original, which I hadn’t

seen since 1989, I have to say this is not a sequel that matches the fun and spirit of the original.


Lisa Frankenstein – I am not sure what I saw when I watched this feature, it is my understanding

it was a different take on Frankenstein [5]

Poor Things [2023] – This movie surprised me as I had zero knowledge of the flick with the

exception of the trailer. The acting was excellent, and I love Willem Defoe. Emma Stone was

excellent in the title role, which the Academy Awards represented. The movie is unique in so

many ways. Give it a watch! [7]

Some 2023 Horror:

Suitable Flesh – One of our favorite scream queens, Barbara Crampton stars alongside

Milwaukee native Heather Graham. This is an unusual watch. [5]

Hell House Origins – Having recently watched the original House on Haunted Hill prior to this

horror feature; it reminded me less is often more. [5]

Candyland – This is a tough watch based on the material in the film, it is dark and depressing [5]

The Boogeyman – I wonder how many times this title can be used. It was a so-so film and out of

my realm as it was rated PG13. Life is not rated PG13. [4]

Cobweb – this one is simply a trip and a must watch for those that like their horror subtle and

weird [6]

Nefarious – A B horror film that can be a fun romp on a late night over a weekend [5]

We will share reviews on these features as this year moves forward. We will also review the latest

horror movies that are released.

In addition, Mr. Z ad I went to see Tenet at IMAX and will break that down in our next

newsletter. It was amazing!

Winnie the Pooh - Blood and Honey was an interesting take on the public domain horror. It was

shot over the pond in the U.K. [Which we reviewed in detail last year.]

The reason we are mentioning this public domain feature is that Mr. Z and I are set to watch the

sequel to it at the end of March. We will review this in more detail. We are very excited to see it!

We just watched it;

Mr. Z and his girlfriend along with myself went to a theatre we typically do not go to in order to

see Winnie the Pooh Blood and Honey II. The theatre itself left a lot to be desired. We won’t go

into details, but suffice it to say the theatre negatively contributed to the viewing experience. The

movie itself comes in at about 16 minutes longer than the first Pooh flick. Non-rated and about

100 minutes. We are going to refrain from scoring this one for a number of reasons. The sequel

had better production values, better music and better acting. The creators of the film had a short

video intro which explained they are making a series of these movies based on the fact many of

the beloved classic characters are now in the public domain. They mentioned they will have a

Poohuniverse ala Marvel and their universes. This will be interesting to watch it all unfold. The

movie was an interesting mix of pace and story and bringing more depth to the tale. Ultimately

there are so many elements of different horror hits such as Freddy Krueger, Jason as well as

Terrifier we were not sure if they were paying homage or not. We love going to see newly released

horror movies at the theatre. It’s like pizza, even when it might be less than great, hey its pizza!

There were about 20 patrons in the theatre watching the flick on a Thursday evening, and this

did not help with the vibe within the viewing. If you love horror, give it a watch!

Honorable mention – Late Night with the Devil looks very interesting! It is currently at theatres

and will be streaming on Shudder in April. We look forward to catching this 86-minute nostalgic

romp which looks original and creative! Think the Tonight Show meets The Exorcist! More on

this film in our next newsletter.

Looking for some classic horror? Check out these titles from the 1980s:

Reanimator - 1985

From Beyond - 1986

Return of the Living Dead - 1985

Near Dark – 1987

Opera – 1987

Dead Ringers – 1988

Happy watching! Remember, a horror film a week keeps the doctor away!


To honor our album of the month The Beach Boys Pet Sounds – check out this Spotify playlist

from Mr. W:

[Check out our April Fool’s Day podcast for a deep dive on this ground breaking album from the

so-called surf boys and the movie Psycho!]

Mr. Z and I listen to music constantly. It is clearly one of our passions. Mr. Z was sharing one of

his playlists recently when we were working on our production company. Weezer was playing,

and I realized I hadn’t listened to them recently. I dig the feeling Weezer brings to me, and their

music is so eclectic and unique. Their lyrics and melodies come across as pop-ish and light, but a

much deeper meaning lies beneath the surface. Check out this playlist:


I presented to Mr. Z recently about attending an upcoming Helmet concert. I had forgotten Mr.

Z had told me that Helmet had stopped making the music that I was so enamored with. The

group started releasing albums around 1990 with their debut album titled Strap it On. They

followed that album up with the critical and commercial success Meantime. According to Mr. Z

they have evolved into a sound that is a far cry from their experimental ‘metal” sound of their

early years. We passed on checking out the show. If you like it hard, different and quirky check

out their early albums from 1990-1998.

Upcoming rock music. This year appears to be a far cry from last year when it comes to rock n

roll and new releases. We will review Green Day’s latest release as well as Judas Priest’s March

release. It’s hard for me to believe Judas Priest has dropped a new album. I’m looking forward to

giving both of these bands a listen. Look for it in our next newsletter.

This might be more commentary, but Mr. Z said something to me the other day about rock and

roll. We were listening to Type – O – Negative, one of our favorites. He more or less said that we

are probably never going to hear great rock and roll like the bands we listen to ever again. We

were fortunate that in 2023 there were several albums released by the groups we dig. Foo

Fighters, Queens of the Stone Age, Godsmack and more dropped albums last year. I like all the

albums, but I feel there is less heat from those artists than what I warmed up to with their

previous albums. In the movie Almost Famous, Philip Seymore Hoffman’s character [Lester

Bangs, Rolling Stone journalist] is screaming about the death of rock and roll. The movie takes

place in the 1970s and thank goodness that rock did not die in that decade. I know Mr. Z and I

are truly appreciative of Spotify! We will always have the vast library Spotify gives its subscribers

access to. Long live rock and roll, at least in our hearts and minds!


We speak to well-being and taking care of ourselves on a consistent basis. When we take a step

back and look at the things going on in this country, and the world it is problematic for sure. We

want to emphasize how important being kind to ourselves is to our well-being. Living in the

moment, practicing gratitude and being appreciative of what we have as opposed to have not are

keys to being happier. Calmer. Throw in consistent exercise, a good diet and limiting negativity

from others and you have a great recipe for positive well-being. We want our psychos to be kind

to themselves and others. We all have our own story; we are in this together!

From the desk of Mr. Z

Practice Forgiveness:

Practicing forgiveness involves letting go of feelings of anger, resentment, or bitterness

toward someone who has wronged you, as well as releasing self-blame and guilt for your own

mistakes or shortcomings.

1. Understanding Forgiveness:

Forgiveness is a conscious and deliberate decision to release negative

emotions and thoughts associated with a past hurt or offense.

It does not necessarily mean condoning or excusing the behavior that

caused the harm but rather freeing oneself from the burden of holding

onto negative emotions.

2. Benefits of Forgiveness:

Improved Mental Health: Letting go of resentment and anger can reduce

stress, anxiety, and depression, leading to better overall mental well-being.

Enhanced Relationships: Forgiveness can improve relationships by

fostering empathy, understanding, and communication.

Physical Health Benefits: Research suggests that practicing forgiveness

may lead to lower blood pressure, improved immune function, and better

cardiovascular health.

Personal Growth: Forgiveness can be a catalyst for personal growth and

healing, allowing individuals to move forward with greater resilience and


3. Steps to Practicing Forgiveness:

Acknowledge Your Feelings: Recognize and validate your emotions,

including feelings of anger, hurt, or betrayal.

Shift Your Perspective: Try to understand the situation from the other

person’s point of view, which can foster empathy and compassion.

Choose to Forgive: Make a conscious decision to let go of resentment

and release the desire for revenge or retaliation.

Express Your Forgiveness: You may choose to communicate your

forgiveness directly to the other person, or you can simply release the

negative emotions internally.

Set Boundaries: Forgiveness does not mean allowing harmful behavior

to continue unchecked. It’s important to set boundaries and communicate

your needs and expectations moving forward.

Practice Self-Compassion: Extend the same kindness and compassion

to yourself that you would offer to a friend. Forgive yourself for any

mistakes or regrets you may have.

4. Challenges of Forgiveness:

Forgiveness can be a challenging process, especially in cases of deep

betrayal or trauma.

It may require time, patience, and ongoing effort to work through complex

emotions and fully forgive.

Sometimes, forgiveness may need to be revisited and reinforced as new

emotions or memories arise.

5. Seeking Support:

If forgiveness feels overwhelming or unattainable, consider seeking

support from a therapist, counselor, or trusted friend or family member.

Professional guidance can provide valuable insights and techniques to

help navigate the forgiveness process.

Practicing forgiveness is a profound act of self-care and empowerment. By letting go of

past grievances and embracing forgiveness, individuals can cultivate greater peace,

resilience, and emotional freedom in their lives.

Understanding Boundaries:

letting boundaries involves establishing clear guidelines and limits for how you want to be

treated by others and what behaviors you find acceptable or unacceptable.

1. Definition:

Boundaries are the physical, emotional, mental, and social limits that define who

you are and what you stand for.

They serve as guidelines for how you interact with others and how others interact

with you.

2. Types of Boundaries:

Physical Boundaries: These relate to physical space and touch. They define your

personal space and comfort level with physical contact.

Emotional Boundaries: These involve your feelings, thoughts, and emotions.

They determine how much emotional intimacy you’re comfortable sharing with


Mental Boundaries: These pertain to your thoughts, beliefs, and values. They

define what ideas or information you’re willing to entertain and engage with.

Social Boundaries: These relate to your social interactions and relationships.

They include expectations around communication, social activities, and time

spent with others.

Importance of Setting Boundaries:

1. Self-Respect:

Setting boundaries communicates self-respect and reinforces your own worth and


It establishes a standard for how you expect to be treated by others.

2. Healthy Relationships:

Boundaries are essential for maintaining healthy relationships.

They foster mutual respect, trust, and understanding between individuals.

3. Emotional Well-being:

Boundaries protect your emotional well-being by preventing others from crossing

lines that may cause stress, resentment, or discomfort.

They allow you to prioritize your own needs and take care of yourself.

4. Personal Growth:

Setting and enforcing boundaries is a key aspect of personal growth and self-


It empowers you to take control of your life and make choices that align with your

values and goals.

Tips for Setting Boundaries:

1. Identify Your Limits:

Reflect on your values, needs, and comfort levels to determine where you need to

set boundaries.

Consider past experiences and situations where you felt uncomfortable or


2. Communicate Clearly:

Clearly communicate your boundaries to others in a calm, assertive manner.

Use “I” statements to express your needs and preferences without blaming or

accusing others.

3. Be Consistent:

Consistently enforce your boundaries and don’t waiver in the face of resistance or

pressure from others.

Set consequences for boundary violations and follow through if necessary.

4. Practice Self-Care:

Prioritize self-care and make time for activities that replenish your energy and


Boundaries are a form of self-care and are essential for maintaining balance and

preventing burnout.

5. Seek Support:

Surround yourself with supportive individuals who respect your boundaries and

encourage your personal growth.

Seek guidance from a therapist or counselor if you need help setting or enforcing

boundaries in certain areas of your life.

Setting boundaries is a skill that takes practice and self-awareness. It’s an ongoing process of

self-discovery and self-advocacy that contributes to greater self-esteem, healthier relationships,

and overall well-being.

This one can go under Wellness as well as Practical Life Skills:

10 Facts everyone should know about the Martini:

- A Classic martini is shaken not stirred, yes BOND did know best!

- The true martini glass serves both form and function, it’s an aesthetic from the art deco

period and really does make the martini taste better!

- No one knows who invented the dirty martini, the term came to be in the 1980s and there

is no truth to the fact it was Wes Craven!

- Dry vermouth helps balance the alcohol and bring clarity to the drink, never use sweet

vermouth in a martini!

- President Obama has a particular way he prefers his martinis; he likes them over-shaken

which gives the drink a frothy nature!

- A so-called dry martini gets its name as a result of lousy vermouth. The less vermouth the

dryer the martini. Until a few decades ago there was a lack of quality dry vermouth at a

reasonable price. You might have used rubbing alcohol for the same effect, hence less

vermouth to the point where some bartenders just whispered the word vermouth into the


- A martini should be ice cold, kind of like a blind date I had many moons ago!

- A classic martini much be made with London dry gin. Sounds like the folks at London

Distilleries were behind this one!

- Olives with pimentos and lemon twists are the classic garnishes. What a twist!

- The three-martini lunch may be passe in these modern times, in the 1950s and 1960s it

was class commentary. Just ask Don Draper!

We implore all of our psychos to drink responsibly and never drink and drive! Cheers!

Practical Life Skills

Next month’s newsletter will go into details regarding some daily life tips that can save your sanity

as well as saving dollars.

We will dive into finding a good mechanic. Where to purchase day to day items like cleaning

supplies, automotive supplies as well as electronic accessories.

We will also review maintaining your vehicle’s interior and exterior. Some basic tips for

purchasing automotive chemicals will be included as well. A few basic elements to have on hand

to keep on top of your vehicle’s interior and exterior are:

- Decent wet-dry shop vac [Amazon / Walmart]

- A basic low speed buffer – polisher [Amazon]

- Interior shampoo [Amazon /Walmart]

- Interior leather – vinyl cleaner [Amazon / Walmart]

- Interior leather conditioner [Amazon / Walmart]

- Exterior cleaner wax [Mequiar’s makes a great one] [Amazon / Walmart]

- Exterior ceramic coating [Turtle Wax makes a great hybrid one] [Amazon / Walmart]

- Wheel cleaner [Amazon / Walmart]

- Engine degreaser [Amazon / Walmart]

- Tire – Engine dressing [Coverall is an excellent option for this that many have not heard

of – try O-Reilly’s or Auto Zone] [Amorall makes a great foaming tire dressing that we

suggest using on the engine compartment for that detailed look] [Amazon / Walmart]

- A good supply of terry cloth / micro fiber towels is the one item you can never have

enough of. [Amazon / Walmart]

**We suggest having a California Duster on hand as well. Hands down, nothing works better

than the original California Duster when it comes to keeping your vehicle’s exterior appearance

top notch between washings!

Check for California Duster online and make sure you are looking at the original California

Duster. The other name brands of this product are far inferior.

We will break down more details on detailing your vehicle. Amazon and Walmart are listed as

suggested places to purchase the above listed items. These items are available at multiple outlets

however we find Amazon and Walmart to be the best value. Personal preference comes into play

as well when it comes to what brand names to purchase. Our recommendations are based on

decades of experience with reconditioning and maintaining a variety of vehicle’s interiors and



Given the high cost of eating out and the numerous issues one can experience when they dine

out, cooking at home or at a family member’s or friend’s house is an excellent life skill!

Cooking is a valuable skill with numerous benefits:

1. Healthier Eating: Control ingredients for healthier meals.

2. Cost Savings: Economical alternative to dining out.

3. Creativity: Experiment with flavors and cuisines.

4. Socialization: Bond with others over cooking.

5. Life Skill: Boost confidence and independence.

Tips for Starting Cooking:

1. Begin Simply: Start with easy recipes.

2. Essential Tools: Stock kitchen with basics.

3. Follow Recipes: Learn fundamental techniques.

4. Basic Skills: Master cutting and cooking methods.

5. Pantry Staples: Keep essentials on hand.

6. Plan and Prep: Meal plan and prep in advance.

7. Patience: Be patient and persistent.

8. Inspiration: Draw ideas from various sources.

9. Enjoyment: Embrace the process and have fun.

Moving out of the kitchen and into the day-to-day world of communication, let’s look at some

keys to sharpening your negotiation skills. Some may read this and think this is for work- and

work-related issues. Negotiation skills are key to day-to-day life, whether at work, home or play.

Let’s get into this next practical life skill:

Negotiation Skills

 Definition: Negotiation is a communication process where parties discuss and reach

mutually acceptable outcomes.

 Key Elements: Communication, active listening, problem-solving, and emotional


 Benefits: Achieving win-win outcomes, resolving conflicts, building relationships, creating

value, and advancing goals.

Tips for Improving Negotiation Skills:

1. Prepare Thoroughly: Research and define goals.

2. Listen Actively: Understand the other party's perspective.

3. Communicate Clearly: Express interests assertively.

4. Seek Win-Win Solutions: Find mutual benefits.

5. Maintain Flexibility: Adapt approach as needed.

6. Manage Emotions: Stay composed and professional.

7. Focus on Relationships: Build rapport and trust.

8. Practice and Learn: Continuously improve skills through practice and experience.

Improving negation skills enhances your ability to reach agreements, resolve conflicts, and

achieve goals effectively.


I am reflecting on the start of this new year. It is a paradox to state this year is beautiful. In many

ways I’m am very fortunate to be experiencing what I am. Working with my son Mr.Z and

moving forward with our pursuit of writing and producing TV/Film is something I am grateful

for. The relationship I have with my son, and all that goes into that is special beyond words. I’m

forever grateful where we are with our lives. The other side of the coin is the turmoil around the

globe including all that is happening in the United States. I feel for many that are experiencing

the challenges that are present in their everyday lives. I know it’s a struggle for so many across this

beautiful world we call Earth. I continue to work on myself, focus on being present and to

appreciate the little things. I’m far from perfect, I have committed to being better daily. I

challenge all of our psychos to be kind to themselves. Be grateful to those in your lives and let

them know it. Appreciate what we have and not what we have not. Be cool to one another. I’m a

broken record, it truly is the little things. Wishing all of our psycho’s health and happiness! We

move forward with purpose and reason. Here’s to an amazing rest of 2024!

One additional side note, can we please be kind to one another when we are out driving on our

roadways? Let’s diffuse the aggression, follow the safe driving rules and be mindful of human

being etiquette. Slowing down, letting someone cut in and being mindful that everyone has their

own story can help with the times when we are out an about. We want all of our psychos to be

safe and live long!

Plus Some Sports and other Headlines

Let’s hit on some sports notes:

- The Green Bay Packers made a few splashes in free agency which is outside of their

norm. Packers signed safety Xavier McKinney from the NY Giants and running back

Josh Jacobs from the Las Vegas Raiders. The Packers are counting on these two great

players to help them go deep in the playoffs for the upcoming season.

- More GB news, President Mark Murphy addressed a question at the owner’s meeting

taking place at end of March in Florida. The question was about their current lease with

the city of Green Bay. Mark made it sound like the mayor of Green Bay was playing

hardball. The reality is the Packers are asking to have their yearly lease payment reduced

and for the Packers to pay less in taxes. This is borderline politics so I will bite my tongue

as it bleeds green. Suffice it to say, the city of Green Bay needs those dollars more than the

Green Bay Packers do

- More NFL, the owner’s meeting brought about a few rule changes. The kick offs will look

dramatically different and will resemble the XFL kick off rules. We suggest our readers

look this up on as it is complicated to type an accurate display of the change.

The owners also took a strong stand on hip-drop tackles. These are scary plays and will

result in a 15-yard penalty and sizeable fines for the player at fault. One more interesting

change to the rules, when a coach wins their challenge for a call by a referee, they will

receive a third challenge attempt, nice upgrade indeed!

- The Milwaukee Bucks are sitting in second place in the Eastern Conference with no

chance of catching the conference leading Boston Celtics. There are about 10 games

remaining in the regular season, and the Bucks will likely finish in the second spot. The

chemistry most Bucks fans were hoping to see between Giannis, Dame and Khris

Middleton has not shown itself to speak of. The surprising coaching change roughly mid-

season has been met with mixed reviews. Doc Rivers has brought focus and defense along

with his vast amount of coaching experience. Time will tell if the trade for Damian Lillard

will pay dividends.

- MLB baseball is set to start throwing out its first pitches of the long [162 games] season.

The Milwaukee Brewers have a new manager at the helm after Craig Counsell jumped to

their arch rival the Chicago Cubs. Long time pitching coach Pat Murphy will lead the

charge as the Brewers new manager. The Brewer’s opening day has been moved to

Friday the 29 th due to inclement weather in the forecast. Expectations are low given major

changes in managers as well as their stud pitching line up.

- Lastly, the UFL headed by The Rock will kick off their inaugural season on March 3oth.

The eight-team league will be the latest iteration for professional spring football. The

hope for this league is that they will become a sort of farm system for the NFL like MLB

has with its farm system.

Random headlines:

- McDonald’s filet o fish sandwich debuted back in 1962. This sandwich was invented to

help the McDonald’s franchisees combat the Lenten no meat mandate within the

Catholic religion. If this sandwich is made right and is fresh it is a tasty fish sandwich for

fast food. Reminder, the filet o fish comes with a half a slice of American cheese – this is

not a mistake! And never order a fish sandwich at McDonald’s, ask for a Filet – O – Fish!

- First over-the-counter birth control pill hits pharmacy shelves this month. This is a first of

its kind for US resident. You will be able to purchase birth control over the counter just

like ibuprofen. This is and will be available at CVS, Walgreens, Walmart and even

Amazon. There are jokes revolving around this, but I am biting my fingers here!

- The most dangerous European country to drive in is; Romania! They average about 86

deaths per million inhabitants. The country is proud that the number dropped from 96

per million in 2012. There is no truth to the rumor that vampires influence this data!

- Maraschino Cherries, what are they? These bright red little globes of color and flavor

started out of necessity. The original ones were imported from Croatia but were in an

alcohol solution. Prohibition in the US put an end to importing these classic cocktail

garnishes. They are also used in fruit cakes and other desserts. The cherries are real, and

several varieties of cherries are used. The cherries are cured in a brine of calcium chloride

and sulfur dioxide. That preservation mixture removes all the color from the cherries.

Sugar syrup and almond flavor are added to the cherries and each one is injected with a

red dye. She’s my cherry pie? Not that way!

- Under the heading of you can’t make this stuff up; An Indonesian passenger jet carrying

159 people veered off course recently. What pray tell was the cause? Both the pilot and

co-pilot fell asleep! If this wasn’t so serious in nature, I would joke about it. Thankfully all

passengers were safe and sound once the pilots woke and landed correctly!

- Madonna in the news? Madonna was recently in concert in Los Angeles and called out

one of her fans in the crowd for not standing up. The fan was in a wheelchair, which

Madonna apparently didn’t see. Madonna apologized, but come on there should have

been more self-effacing measures! How about a high-tech, brand-new wheelchair? How

about her entire catalog in a special box set? There is so much more Madonna could have

done including a donation to a local charity. Take your foot out of your mouth Madonna,

and don’t worry how your fans are enjoying your shows. They are there! That’s enough!

- Lastly, if it wasn’t so scary and stupid this would be funny. A Texas mom was arrested

after sending her son to school with some homemade sports drink that contained vinegar

and salt. The crazy mom suggested her son give it to the bully at school. The bully

became ill from ingesting the beverage but it was not life threatening. Bullying is a serious

subject, and sometimes we just want to protect our children. There are better ways to do


Stay safe out there everyone! The world is a crazy place! [It’s also a beautiful place!

Interesting Individual of the Month [IIM]:

This month we visit Robert Englund/Freddy Krueger. This article is brought to us by Mr. Z. As

big of a fan as I am regarding Freddy, and A Nightmare on Elm Street; I don’t come close to Mr.

Z’s level of fandom. Ask him about his tattoo!

Robert Englund: Shaping Young Minds with Fright:

Introduction: Robert Englund is a legendary actor whose name has become synonymous with

horror and fear. Known primarily for his iconic portrayal of the terrifying Freddy Krueger in The

Nightmare on Elm Street franchise, Englund’s influence extends far beyond the realm of

horror cinema. For many, including myself, he has been a formative figure, shaping young minds

with his chilling performances and leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of popular


Early Life and Career Beginnings: Born on June 6, 1947, in Glendale, California, Robert Barton

Englund discovered his passion for acting at a young age. He attended the University of

California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where he studied theater arts and honed his craft. Englund

began his acting career in the 1970s, appearing in various television shows and films, often in

supporting roles.

Breakthrough Role as Freddy Krueger: Englund’s career reached new heights when he took on

the role of Freddy Krueger, the razor-gloved, wise-cracking serial killer haunting the dreams of

teenagers in Wes Craven’s A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984). His portrayal of this iconic

character catapulted him to international fame and forever cemented his status as a horror

icon. Englund would go on to reprise the role in several sequels, becoming the face of one of

the most enduring horror franchises in cinematic history.

Impact on Young Minds: For countless young fans, myself included, Robert Englund’s portrayal

of Freddy Krueger was a formative experience. His ability to blend horror and dark humor

created a character that simultaneously terrified and fascinated audiences. As a child or

teenager watching his films, Englund’s performances were like a rite of passage into the world

of horror cinema. He ignited our imaginations, filled our dreams with nightmares, and left an

indelible mark on our psyches.

Beyond Freddy: While Freddy Krueger may be Englund’s most famous role, his talent extends

far beyond the realm of horror. He has showcased his versatility in a variety of projects,

including television shows, theater productions, and even voice acting roles. Englund’s

dedication to his craft and his willingness to embrace challenging roles have earned him the

respect of both fans and critics alike.

Legacy: Robert Englund’s influence on popular culture cannot be overstated. His portrayal of

Freddy Krueger has become an enduring symbol of horror, inspiring countless filmmakers,

writers, and artists. Beyond his contributions to the genre, Englund’s passion for acting and his

commitment to his craft serve as an inspiration to aspiring performers everywhere. As I reflect

on my own journey into the world of horror, I am grateful for the impact that Robert Englund

has had on shaping my young mind, filling it with fright and fueling my imagination with his

unforgettable performances.

Conclusion: In conclusion, Robert Englund stands as a towering figure in the world of horror

cinema, whose name evokes both fear and admiration. Through his iconic portrayal of Freddy

Krueger and his extensive body of work, he has left an indelible mark on the hearts and minds

of fans around the world, including myself. As we continue to navigate the dark corridors of our

imaginations, we take solace in knowing that Robert Englund will forever reign as the

undisputed master of nightmares.

Freddy Krueger: Master of Nightmares

Bio: Freddy Krueger, the twisted manifestation of childhood fears, is a legendary figure in the

realm of horror. Born from the tormented mind of Wes Craven, Krueger’s nightmarish presence

has haunted generations of moviegoers and sparked countless sleepless nights.

Early Years: Little is known of Freddy Krueger’s origins, shrouded in the murky depths of Elm

Street’s dark history. Legend has it that he was once a humble groundskeeper at the local school,

a man whose disturbing tendencies and proximity to children aroused suspicion among the


The Unthinkable Crime: Krueger’s descent into infamy began with a horrific act that shook the

quiet suburb of Springwood to its core. Accused of unspeakable crimes against the town’s youth,

he was hunted down by a vengeful mob of parents, seeking justice for their children. In a fit of

rage and desperation, they burned him alive in his own boiler room, a twisted echo of his own

twisted deeds.

Rising from the Ashes: Death could not contain the malevolent spirit of Freddy Krueger.

Instead, it transformed him into something far more sinister—a vengeful specter who roams the

realm of dreams, preying on the unsuspecting souls of Elm Street’s children.

The Nightmare Begins: With razor-sharp wit and claws to match, Freddy Krueger became the

stuff of nightmares, tormenting his victims in the most intimate of realms—their dreams. Armed

with a sadistic sense of humor and an insatiable thirst for vengeance, he lures his prey into a

labyrinth of terror, where the line between reality and nightmare blurs into oblivion.

Legacy of Fear: Freddy Krueger’s reign of terror has transcended the confines of cinema, leaving

an indelible mark on popular culture and the psyche of countless fans. His iconic striped sweater,

fedora, and disfigured visage have become symbols of fear, inspiring a legion of imitators and

ensuring his place in the pantheon of horror legends.

Conclusion: Though Freddy Krueger may have been born from the darkest recesses of the

human psyche, his legacy endures as a testament to the enduring power of fear. With each flick

of his razor-sharp claws and twisted grin, he reminds us that even in our dreams, we are never

truly safe from the monsters that lurk within.

Let’s not forget our favorite nursery rhyme:

One two,

Freddy’s coming for you.

Three, four,

Better lock your door.

Five, six,

Grab your crucifix.

Seven, eight,

Gonna stay up late.

Nine, ten,

Never sleep again…


Thank you for taking the time to read Chapter Eight of Psycho Studios; The Sprinkler. We

always look forward to sharing our thoughts, ideas and more!

Be safe and stay psycho!

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Mr. W ~ Mr. Z

Psycho Studios 4.1.2024


Chapter 9


Chapter 7