Chapter 7

Psycho Studios: The Sprinkler 


Chapter Seven



Editor – Mr. Z / Content / Technical

Research & Editor – Mr. W / Content



Psycho Studios is an independent Film/TV production company.  A multimedia platform with a podcast as well as this newsletter. Feel free to reach out to Psycho Studios through their website/email.


Psycho Studios – Film/TV Production – Phoenix Arizona

Psycho Studios Podcast [Access on Spotify, iHeart Radio, Google Podcasts and Amazon Music/Audible plus our website]

Psycho Studios: The Sprinkler [Newsletter]


Phoenix Arizona

Email –

Website – www.psycho–  [Access to our audio only YouTube channel available here.]


Instagram – psychostudios66

X [Formerly known as Twitter] - @Psychostud666

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Mr. Z & Mr. W are a father & son duo that started a production company about two years ago. They are working on the next phase of their production company and look forward to being involved in feature film making. They rolled out a podcast and newsletter to give their audience a means to hear where they are headed and what they are experiencing. The newsletter [The Sprinkler] is fun, informative and value add!  They remind their audience that they leave politics at the door. They want their energy to be positive and wellness based. The country and this world are in turmoil, they want everyone to focus on the moment. Share gratitude and be cool to one another!




We hope you will join us monthly as we explore different ways to enrich our lives and have some fun exploring the human race.

We bring old school and contemporary to the table. We will bring practical value add life skills to our newsletter to make it worth everyone’s while!

Mr. Z & I are authentic & lucid and we operate with the credo “be cool to one another”.

We want to connect with people, and be present while we enjoy this journey.  We have embarked on something that is moving in a direction that affords us to display our creativity and love for film & music in our podcast.

We have a contrasting way in which we were brought into this world and our perspectives meld in a way that is entertaining, rewarding and beneficial to those that trust sage advice.


Come with us as we explore ways to live in the moment and appreciate all we have, rather than what we have not.


Welcome psychos one and all! 



The Sprinkler


Film – Music - Wellness – Practical Life Skills – Commentary – Plus Some Sports and other Headlines





Tenet Review: Rated R – Run Time – 2:36

After watching this amazing film again; this time in 70mm at IMAX; I’m giving it a 9! Mr. Z is lockstep with a 9 too! What a film! It’s one of those rare flicks that I feel has to be seen in 70mm! The pace. The dialogue. The cinematography. The detailed & intertwined story. The musical score. The cast. The acting.  I have always fancied myself a critic. I can probably count the number of 9’s I’ve seen in 40+ years on both hands at best. From the use of the deep meaning word Tenet as the title and really the credo for the film, to the brilliance of Nolan, what a beautiful piece of celluloid art! 

We recommend all our psychos see this either in 70mm or at least on the big screen when you are able.


Romance is not dead, but maybe it’s a little bloody?


My Bloody Valentine x 2: Both Rated R.  1981-1:30 / 2009-1:41

To celebrate the national singles appreciation day [Also known as Valentine’s Day] I watched the My Bloody Valentine’s movies as a double feature.

A few notes about these flicks and scoring:

-       MBV 1981 Mr. W – 7 - Mr. Z - 6 / MBV 2009 Mr. W - 8 - Mr. Z - 8

The classic 1981 original was unique yet similar to the slasher films flooding the scene post John Carpenter’s Halloween. Set in a small mining town with the mine itself being a central character it had a good pace, with marginal acting. The production values were ok, with the kills and special effects being high on the list of things done well.

The remake which blasted onto the screens in 2009 was a great take on the original. Made as a sequel to a degree, the production values and acting were head and shoulders above the original. The original film’s very creative kills were lacking, regardless the violence and nudity were at another level in this reimagined sequel. The timeline and pace of the sequel were well done and gave the audience a lot for their money.

Give these two features a watch in close proximity of one another for best effect!

Random: Two remakes - My Bloody Valentine and Friday the 13th was released in 2009. Both movies had male leads that were co-stars from the popular TV series Supernatural. The films did excellent at the box office, Bloody - $101 Million. Friday - $92 Million. I never connected those dots before! Those remakes have Mr. Z and I wondering why the films did not spawn more sequels. The “sequel” to My Bloody Valentine ended with another film written all over it and we know Jason never really dies!


Review – New:

Dario Argento – Panico. [Italian for panic] Score – I’m giving it a low 5.

2023 – Documentary – Rated R - 1:38

We are fans of Argento, primarily his work in the 1970s and into the 1980s. This film has subtitles for the majority of the feature with the exception of the minimal interviews with American individuals. We are not fans of the subtitle piece. The concept is interesting as they film and interview Argento from a secluded luxury hotel. This is the way Dario wrote many of his screenplays back in the day. Secluded hotel, no distractions. The film goes back and forth with interviews from numerous people who have worked with Argento and family members. The bulk is talking to Dario and filtering through the past and current states. As much as we dig Dario’s work this one lacked engagement. We would love to see a documentary on the meat of his films, and the making of those twisted features!



To honor our album of the month, Frank Sinatra sings Cole Porter – check out this Spotify playlist from Mr. W:



Queens of the Stone Age, and their front man Josh Homme.


Mr. Z and I have loved QOTSA music since we first heard it. 


Josh Homme has experienced multiple trials and tribulations recently. These include the loss of close friends Taylor Hawkins [Foo Fighter’s drummer], Mark Lanegan [Screaming Trees band member] and actor and bar owner Rio Hackford. He was engaged in a messy custody battle with his ex-wife of 15 years. Josh has three children and is a caring father. After Josh finished the latest Queen’s album he was diagnosed with cancer. He is recovering from the cancer diagnosis post-surgery. Homme was awarded custody and came out the winner in that battle, helping heal that wound. One of his best friends, almost like a brother to him Dave Grohl states they have known one another for 30 years.

Dave says their bond goes far beyond music, it’s more about life stuff. Dave adds he has never seen Josh give up. Josh comes across as a modern version of a man’s man. Check out an article written in December 2023 by Mikeal Wood. The article explores the many sides to a 50s something rock star.


And to accompany the Queens of the Stone Age article – Check out this Spotify “Queens” playlist from Mr. W



Some random rock headlines about groups we dig:

-       Godsmack has released the official music video for the song "Truth". The video was directed by Godsmack front man Sully Erna and Francesca Ludikar; it’s pure Godsmack!

"Truth" is taken from GODSMACK's latest album, "Lighting Up the Sky", which was released in February 2023 on BMG. The album was co-produced by Erna and Andrew Murdock (Avenged Sevenfold – And we love AV7X!)

-       Tesla to release new single “All about Love” this summer! We love this different kind of 80s rock group, and we can all use some Edison’s Medicine!


-       Alex Van Halen says his book titled 'Brothers' is a love letter to Eddie Van Halen: “I was with him from day one”. The new book will be released this October. The ground breaking rock group that survived and thrived over multiple decades is near and dear to Mr.Z and I – We will “reach down between our legs and ease the seat back, and read this book for sure!


-       AV7X in the news: AmazeVR, the global leader in virtual reality concerts, in partnership with Warner Records and rock band Avenged Sevenfold, have officially released the "Avenged Sevenfold VR Concert: Looking Inside" exclusively available to AmazeVR Concert app. The 26-minute VR concert features some of the band's iconic hits; "Hail to the King" and "Nightmare", as well as newer singles from their latest album; "Life is but A Dream…” "Nobody", "(D)eath" and "Mattel".




Coming to us from Finland – the secret to being the world’s happiest country. [It’s more like the country with the least unhappy people in the world.]


Focus on these three things like the Finnish do:


-       Maintain a strong sense of community and relatability

-       Do good deeds for others [Be kind and cool to one another]

-       Find a clear purpose for oneself

Being around those we care about is key to maintaining consistent happiness. In addition, acts of kindness, regardless of how small flood us with elements that combat depression and the like. Finding a clear purpose, maintaining value is another key element in thwarting feeling down and gloomy. Practice gratitude. Appreciate what we have and let those know we care about we are thinking of them. These seem basic, or almost simple. It’s a matter of consistently executing these elements so they become habit.


A secret to becoming a mentally strong individual. Daniel Amen (Adult and child psychologist) shares a short but effective challenge for us to gain the mental strength that can propel our happiness. 


-       He shares that mentally strong people have self-discipline

-       These people only do nice things for people who treat them with respect – this is key!

-       He states that reinforcing this mantra of nice things for those with respect for us will make our world very different

-       Saying no to those that neglect to display respect for us is healthy

-       To be mentally strong, we have to notice what we like about other people more than what we don’t like about them

-       Acknowledging the good in others will bring more good into our lives

-       Remove the negative, calling out the positive and speaking and coaching to that


Want to feel happier? Try these short but effective acts of joy:


-       Celebrate someone else’s joy

-       Utilize a gratitude list, what are we grateful for? [We consistently preach about sharing gratitude with others]

-       Execute random acts of kindness; it’s the little things

-       Self-reflection, try journaling the positive things in a given day or week

-       Focus on small moments of joy. Embrace what we have, not what we don’t have


Keep this handy:




More wellness


Let’s talk diet/food


A balanced diet involves consuming a variety of foods in the right proportions to ensure your body gets the nutrients it needs for optimal health. Here are some details on what constitutes a balanced diet:

Fruits and Vegetables:

Aim for a colorful variety of fruits and vegetables.

Include different types to ensure a mix of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants.

Whole Grains:

Choose whole grains over refined grains. Examples include brown rice, quinoa, oats, and whole wheat.

Whole grains provide fiber, which aids in digestion and helps maintain stable blood sugar levels.


Include a mix of protein sources such as lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, nuts, and seeds.

Protein is essential for muscle repair, immune function, and overall body maintenance.

Dairy or Dairy Alternatives:

Include low-fat or fat-free dairy products, or fortified dairy alternatives like almond milk or soy milk.

Dairy provides calcium and vitamin D important for bone health.

Healthy Fats:

Choose sources of healthy fats, such as avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil.

Limit saturated and trans fats found in fried foods, processed snacks, and certain oils.

Limit Added Sugars and Salt:

Minimize the consumption of foods and beverages with added sugars.

Control salt intake by seasoning food with herbs and spices instead of relying on excessive salt.

Portion Control:

Be mindful of portion sizes to avoid overeating.

Listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues.


Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Limit sugary drinks and excessive caffeine.

Meal Timing:

Aim for regular and balanced meals throughout the day.

Consider smaller, more frequent meals to maintain energy levels.

Moderation and Variety:

Embrace a diverse and well-rounded diet to ensure you get a broad spectrum of nutrients.

Moderation is key; enjoy treats occasionally but in moderation.

It's important to note that individual dietary needs may vary based on factors such as age, gender, activity level, and health conditions. Consulting with a registered dietitian or healthcare professional can provide personalized guidance based on your specific requirements.


Sleep Doctor Says:


Getting enough sleep is crucial for overall health and well-being. Here are more details on why sleep is important and tips for ensuring a good night's rest:

Why Sleep is Important:

Physical Restoration: During sleep, the body undergoes processes that help repair tissues, build bone and muscle, and strengthen the immune system.

Mental Rejuvenation: Sleep is essential for cognitive functions such as memory consolidation, problem-solving, and learning.

Emotional Balance: Adequate sleep plays a role in regulating mood and emotional well-being. Lack of sleep can contribute to irritability and stress.

Metabolic Health: Sleep influences hormones that regulate hunger and appetite. Poor sleep can affect weight management and increase the risk of metabolic disorders.

Immune Function: Quality sleep supports a robust immune system, helping the body defend against infections and illnesses.

Tips for Getting Enough Sleep:

Establish a Routine:

Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends.

This helps regulate your body's internal clock.

Create a Comfortable Sleep Environment:

Ensure your bedroom is cool, dark, and quiet.

Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows.

Limit Screen Time Before Bed:

Reduce exposure to screens (phones, tablets, computers, and TVs) at least an hour before bedtime.

The blue light emitted from screens can interfere with the production of the sleep hormone melatonin.

Be Mindful of Food and Drink:

Avoid heavy meals, caffeine, and alcohol close to bedtime.

These can disrupt sleep or lead to discomfort.

Engage in Relaxation Techniques:

Practice relaxation exercises such as deep breathing, meditation, or gentle stretching before bedtime.

This can help calm the mind and prepare the body for sleep.

Get Regular Exercise:

Engage in regular physical activity, but try to finish exercise a few hours before bedtime.

Regular exercise can promote better sleep, but intense activity close to bedtime may have the opposite effect.

Limit Naps:

If you need to nap, keep it short (20-30 minutes) and avoid napping too close to bedtime.

Manage Stress:

Develop strategies to manage stress, such as journaling, talking to a friend, or seeking professional support if needed.

Evaluate Your Sleep Environment:

Check for factors that may be disrupting your sleep, such as uncomfortable bedding or excess noise.

Seek Professional Help if Needed:

If sleep problems persist, consider consulting with a healthcare professional or sleep specialist for further evaluation and guidance.

Remember that individual sleep needs can vary, so it's important to pay attention to your body and adjust your sleep routine accordingly. If sleep difficulties persist, seeking advice from a healthcare professional is advisable.



Practical Life Skills


Public speaking 


Public speaking is a valuable skill that can enhance your communication abilities and boost your confidence in various situations. Here are more details on public speaking and tips to improve:

Why Public Speaking is Important:

Effective Communication:

Public speaking allows you to convey your ideas, thoughts, and messages clearly and persuasively.

Career Advancement:

Strong public speaking skills are often considered a crucial aspect of professional development and can open up opportunities for career advancement.

Leadership Skills:

Being an effective public speaker is often associated with leadership qualities, as it involves inspiring and influencing others.

Confidence Building:

Overcoming the fear of public speaking can significantly boost your overall confidence in various areas of life.


Public speaking engagements provide opportunities to connect with others, build relationships, and expand your professional network.

Educational Impact:

Whether you're presenting in a classroom or at a conference, public speaking allows you to share knowledge and information with others.

Tips for Improving Public Speaking:

Know Your Audience:

Understand the demographics, interests, and expectations of your audience to tailor your message accordingly.

Organize Your Content:

Structure your speech with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

Use a logical flow and transitions to make your points cohesive.

Practice, Practice, Practice:

Rehearse your speech multiple times to become familiar with the content.

Practice in front of a mirror or record yourself to identify areas for improvement.

Manage Nervousness:

It's normal to feel nervous. Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing to manage anxiety.

Focus on the message you want to convey rather than your nervous feelings.

Engage Your Audience:

Use eye contact, gestures, and body language to connect with your audience.

Encourage participation through questions, polls, or interactive elements.

Use Visual Aids Wisely:

If using slides or visual aids, keep them simple and relevant.

Visuals should enhance, not distract from, your message.

Speak Clearly and Slowly:

Enunciate your words clearly and maintain a moderate pace.

Avoid speaking too fast, which can make it difficult for the audience to follow.

Be Authentic:

Be yourself. Authenticity builds trust and connection with the audience.

Share personal anecdotes or experiences to make your speech more relatable.

Handle Q&A Sessions Confidently:

Anticipate potential questions and prepare thoughtful responses.

If you don't know the answer, it's okay to admit it and offer to follow up later.

Seek Feedback:

Request feedback from peers, mentors, or audience members to identify areas for improvement.

Use feedback constructively for ongoing development.

Remember, public speaking is a skill that improves with practice and experience. Start with small opportunities, such as speaking in front of friends or colleagues, and gradually work your way up to larger audiences. Each experience will contribute to your growth as a confident and effective communicator.


And a great tie in to public speaking:


Conflict Resolution


Conflict resolution is a valuable skill that involves addressing and resolving disagreements or disputes in a constructive and positive manner. Here are more details on conflict resolution and tips to effectively navigate conflicts:

Understanding Conflict Resolution:


Conflict resolution is the process of finding a solution to a disagreement or dispute, whether it's between individuals, groups, or organizations.


Effective conflict resolution is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships, whether in personal, professional, or community settings.

It promotes understanding, collaboration, and the development of mutually agreeable solutions.

Key Principles:

Active Listening: Listen attentively to the perspectives and concerns of all parties involved.

Empathy: Understand and acknowledge the emotions and viewpoints of others.

Communication: Clearly and assertively express your own needs and concerns.

Collaboration: Seek mutually beneficial solutions through cooperation and compromise.

Types of Conflict:

Interpersonal Conflict: Between individuals.

Intrapersonal Conflict: Within an individual (internal struggles).

Intragroup Conflict: Within a group or team.

Intergroup Conflict: Between different groups or teams.

Tips for Effective Conflict Resolution:

Stay Calm:

Maintain emotional control and avoid reacting impulsively.

Take a moment to compose yourself before addressing the conflict.

Define the Issue:

Clearly identify and articulate the specific issues causing the conflict.

Ensure everyone involved has a shared understanding of the problem.

Encourage Open Communication:

Create a safe and open space for all parties to express their thoughts and feelings.

Use "I" statements to avoid sounding accusatory and encourage personal responsibility.

Practice Active Listening:

Listen attentively without interrupting.

Repeat back what you've heard to confirm understanding.

Seek Common Ground:

Identify shared interests or goals that can serve as a basis for finding a resolution.

Emphasize common ground to build understanding.

Generate Options:

Brainstorm potential solutions together.

Encourage creativity and be open to considering various perspectives.

Evaluate and Choose Solutions:

Assess the pros and cons of each solution.

Select a solution that is acceptable to all parties involved.

Implement the Solution:

Develop a plan for implementing the chosen solution.

Clearly outline responsibilities and timelines.

Follow Up:

Check in periodically to ensure the resolution is working effectively.

Be willing to make adjustments if needed.

Seek Mediation if Necessary:

In more complex conflicts, consider involving a neutral third party to mediate the resolution process.

A mediator can help facilitate communication and guide the parties toward a mutually agreeable solution.

Learn and Grow:

Reflect on the conflict resolution process.

Identify lessons learned and consider how to apply them to future situations.

Effective conflict resolution requires patience, empathy, and a commitment to finding solutions that are fair and mutually beneficial. Developing these skills can contribute to healthier relationships and a more positive and productive environment,not%20designed%20to%20avoid%20disagreements.


What’s in a word?


-       Using this one word more often can make you 50% more influential. The word? “Because”. The reasoning behind this is a 50-year-old study conducted by Harvard University. Recommend is another word with power, use this word in place of “like”. When we share the “because” or the why we see people responding more positively at a 50% clip! Let’s say we are in a serious hurry, and there is a line at the ATM.  Asking the people in front of us “May I cut to the front of the line because my son is waiting for me at school?”. This sample question is far more effective than simply asking “May I cut in line”. Utilize the because in varying settings. Your requests will be far more effective than simply asking or requesting something without the “because”. As for “recommend” vs like, stating “I recommend this restaurant because the food is consistently fantastic.” This sample statement is far more impactful than saying “I like this restaurant as the food is always good”. People are saturated with the word “like”. It’s interesting and effective to utilize these two adjustments in your day to day, home, work or play. Because -Recommend



Random Practical Life Skills notes:


-       When purchasing a used vehicle – always obtain a Carfax report! Be mindful of accidents and title status [clean]

-       When selling items on platforms like Craigslist and Offer Up; as frequently as possible meet at a public place close to your home. This simple safety tip can eliminate the scary nature of these transactions

-       Looking for cost effective add-ons for auto insurance? We recommend rental car reimbursement as well as towing service. There are many more ala carte elements that can be added, those are like throwing your money away

-       Want to eliminate fees for restaurant food and grocery delivery?  Pick it up yourself! Contact the restaurant directly, order to go and pick it up yourself! Groceries? Stay away from services like Instacart! Have you ever priced a grocery order for pick up using the grocery store’s direct site as opposed to going through Instacart? It will blow your mind! Most major grocery store chains and restaurant chains have a zero fee for pick up – utilize this! Save dollars!






New York. Times Square. 1903.

Simpler times, over 120 years ago. We know there is no turning back. We can be cool to one another. Be kind to one another. Help one another. Live in the moment.






Hollywood Hills. Just before the iconic sign was torn down. An entirely new sign was erected. The new sign was completed one day prior to Halloween 1978. The sign (letters) were five feet shorter in height - to minimize wind damage. Infamous Hugh Hefner [Playboy founder] got his friends together to come up with the funding for the new sign. Deep pocket donors purchased individual letters.  Andy Williams, [famous singer and entertainer] paid for the ‘W’!  Questionable people can do good things.


Dating trend – Men have been asking for so-called refunds if they don’t see a return on their investment. I recently read an article which shared an experience a woman had on a date. The woman and her male date had simple drinks, the man paid for the drinks and they ended their night. When the male reached out the next day or two to request a second date, the woman declined. This sparked the man to request the woman reimburse him for half the drinks from the first date. The morale of this story?  Go Dutch for the first couple of dates and avoid this idiocy!





Plus - Some Sports and other Headlines


Let’s talk Valentine’s Day

Who was St. Valentine? The exact origin of the namesake of Valentine’s Day is cloudy. Some believe, St. Valentine was a third-century Roman priest who defied the Roman Empire’s stance against men marrying at a young age. Valentine continued to perform marriages in secret, leading to his execution on February 14. Another belief is St. Valentine was a compassionate man who helped free persecuted Christians in ancient Rome. Legend has it he healed a jailer's blind daughter and, before his death, sent her a note signed, "from your Valentine." There is so much back and forth, one can pick the legend they want.

Who Is Cupid? Most today feel Cupid is a baby like figure, with wings and armed with a bow and arrows. This iconic imagery is rooted in depictions of Eros, the Greek god of love. The Romans adopted the deity,  and he became Cupid, a name derived from the Latin word for “desire.” The likeness stuck including the mischievous use of Cupid’s arrows to arouse love or passion in whomever happened to be struck by one. How Did Valentine’s Day Start? Just like the stories behind St Valentine and cupid, there are many backstories.  The modern celebration of Valentine’s Day; the holiday is linked to the Roman fertility festival of Lupercalia, which took place on February 15 and dates back to the sixth century BC. In the fifth century CE, Pope Gelasius I removed the pagan observance of Lupercalia and declared February 14 as a commemorative day for the martyrdom of St. Valentine. It wasn’t until several centuries later that Valentine’s Day’s romantic connotations came to light in the late 1300s. They say English poet Geoffrey Chaucer wrote about the mating rituals of birds in his epic poem "Parlement of Foules." He wrote of “Seynt Valentynes day.”

How Did Cupid Become the Face of a Day for St. Valentine? Chaucer’s prose is believed to be the first mention of Valentine’s Day as a romantic holiday. In the 1470s, an English woman named Margery Brews wrote to her fiancé John Paston and referred to him as “My right well-beloved Valentine.” This letter is believed to be the oldest English-language valentine. By the mid-1800s, many Valentine’s Day cards featured imagery of birds and flowers in springtime including frequent portrayals of the winged, curly-haired and baby-faced Cupid.

Sports and Random Headlines:

-       The Green Bay Packers off season starts in earnest as the scouting combine and dealing with contracts part of the season is underway. The NFL increased the salary cap for the 32 teams by around $30 million. This will assist the Packers as well as the other 31 teams with building a better roster

-       The Milwaukee Bucks had two players; Giannis and D Lillard compete in an outrageous NBA All Star weekend and game. Dame took home the three-point shooting contest trophy as well as the MVP for the All-Star game which totaled over 220 points combined! Can you say no defense?

-       The Bucks are working hard to get back on track after going 3-7 in the ten games since newly appointed coach Glenn “Doc” Rivers was signed. The Bucks are 37-21 after winning two in a row after the break. With 24 games left in the regular season the Bucks are looking at getting Khris Middleton back from his ankle injury in about a week for the stretch run. They are currently third in the Eastern Conference

-       Other related pro football news – The UFL [XFL and United States Football League merger] kick off their inaugural season in March of this year. The Rock is a key stake holder hoping this combined league can become the NFL’s “farm system”

-       Mickey Mouse will soon be in the public domain, at least the earliest versions of the famous rodent. The copyright expires in 2024.

-       The US allows a copyright to be held for 95 years, and this length of time was shorter until Disney began pushing for extensions on copyright laws ands holdings.

-       Tigger will be part of public domain this year as well. This will be added to the Winnie the Pooh Blood and Honey film(s). Are we going to see a horror movie based on Mickey Mouse?

-       Led Zeppelin in the news, as a lucky find identifies man on cover of Led Zeppelin IV;

The photo’s origin and the man’s identity have long been a mystery. As the story goes, Robert Plant, Led Zeppelin’s lead singer, was rummaging through an antique shop near guitarist Jimmy Page’s house in Berkshire, England, when he came across the photograph, per BBC News’ Sophie Parker.

Recently, more than 50 years after the album’s release, Brian Edwards, a historian at the University of the West of England, discovered an original copy of the image while perusing auction house news releases on the internet.

A museum has identified the mysterious stick man in the image on Zeppelin IV: His name was Lot Long, and he was a 69-year-old roof thatcher born in the town of Mere, Wiltshire, in 1823. At the time of the photograph, he was a widower who lived in a small cottage.

-       What about the pandas? Beijing China: Beijing has revived its panda diplomacy with the U.S. They have promised two pandas to the San Diego Zoo at the end of this summer. The China Wildlife Conservation Association signed an agreement with SD Zoo. It has been five years since the SD Zoo sent their pandas back to China. The return of most US pandas was due to soured relations with China. Washington DC Zoo is on the list for potential panda returns as well

Interesting Individual of the Month [IIM]:

This month is it everyone’s favorite actor; Keanu Reeves

-       Keanu Reeves is known for being an introvert; kind, giving, cool and thoughtful.

-       Born in Beirut and raised in Toronto.

-       Feature film debut, Youngblood [1986, movie about hockey, he played a goalie]

-       Father was Hawaiian and mother was Chinese – Hawaiian, father abandoned the family when Keanu was three years old

-       Reeves had trouble reading in school and has stated he is dyslexic. He was expelled from one of the four high schools he attended for what he called being “mouthy”

-       He is a Canadian citizen and does not hold any other citizenships

-       Used the first name K.C. and Casey as he was advised his given first name was too hard to pronounce. He reverted back to Keanu during the beginning of his acting career

-       River’s Edge got him noticed. [1987] It’s interesting to note that for many of the early features he was in, he was often noted as being a good actor. Bill and Ted’s along with The Matrix films spawned the narrative he was stiff and couldn’t act

-       Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure propelled him to stardom. [1989]

-       He was in a Paula Abdul music video [1990] in which he played James Dean’s Rebel without a Cause character

-       Point Break [1991] was another break out role – learned to surf for the role

-       Music career begins as bassist for his group Dogstar [1991]

-       Speed [1994] was a massive hit and anointed Reeves as a movie star

[Keanu’s good friend River Phoenix died during the filming of this feature and it was labeled as an overdose]

-       Was touring with Dogstar [mid 90s] and turned down Speed 2. According to Reeves 20th Century Fox severed ties with him for a decade

-       The Matrix [1999] was out of this world and Keanu moved to mega stardom

-       Had a supporting role in Sam Raimi’s The Gift [2000]

-       Dogstar disbanded [2002]. Sequels to the Matrix are shot simultaneously and the clamor about his wooden acting continued

-       After several commercial failures and the constant buzz about his poor acting, he returned with a vengeance with John Wick. [2014]

-       Starred in a different kind of feature for him in Eli Roth’s Knock Knock [2015]

-       Keanu Reeves continued his busy schedule starring in three more John Wick flicks as the 2020s unfolded

Personal; Reeves is never in the headlines for negativity.  He is often seen as someone who is a normal and giving man. He has had his share of tragedy as many of us have. A story that resonates and is linked to his John Wick role took place starting in 1999. He began dating David Lynch’s assistant Jennifer Syme. In 2000 Keanu and his GF were expecting a baby girl. Sadly, the baby was stillborn. The couple broke up, and reconciled by 2001 knowing they loved one another. In 2001 Jennifer slammed her vehicle into parked cars and died in the crash. She was impaired and not wearing her seatbelt.  Reeves is very private for a movie star and has been dating the same woman subsequent to healing from the horrible personal circumstance since the mid early 2000s.


“Be excellent to each other!”



Thank you for taking the time to read Chapter Seven of Psycho Studios “The Sprinkler.” We always look forward to sharing our thoughts, ideas and more.


Be safe and stay psycho!


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Mr. W ~ Mr. Z

Psycho Studios ~3.1.2024


Chapter 8


Chapter 6